We just had the most wonderful weekend! I have been anxious to attend a workshop for newborn photography in Oceanside and this year the workshop just happened to coincide perfectly with the kids spring break. So with my share of the tax return I signed up for the workshop and bought the kids and I tickets to sunny California.
It is the perfect time of year to go. Come Spring time in Washington, despite all the pretty blooms you just aren't sure you can take another day of cold rain. And so we try to plan our escapes to salvage some sanity.
We were so excited to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles and COUSINS!!!
When I asked the kids what was the one thing they wanted to do the most, I expected them to say Disney Land (which we weren't going to do). I was so relieved when they all shouted, "THE BEACH!" Well the beach is free and all over the place so they made it easy on me.
We decided to go to the beach in Oceanside because it would make it easier for me to get to my workshop and for Liz's kids to join us. I am so grateful that Grandma and Grandpa allowed me to talk them into coming to!!!
It was beautiful weather. In the low 80 and beautiful sun. The water was a little numbing, but after about 20 minutes when you couldn't feel a thing thanks to the natural spinal tap the cold water provided it was great. I got in up to my belly button which is saying something. I usually avoid the water. Too cold and too many creepy crawlies lurking under there!
We played Frisbee, built sand castles, made "hot tubs" (Kate's word since she was a baby for cozy spots...in this case a pit in the sand filled with water, body boarded and less fun...searched frantically for a missing Kate. She turned up after I lost a few years off my life panicking as we searched for her.
It was wonderful. The best part of the day in my opinion though was going to Liz's house afterwards and soaking in her hot tub. I NEED A HOT TUB!!! (maybe next years tax return!!)