Thursday, March 18, 2010

Running Faster Than I Should...

My mind will not slow down. Every moment of every day I am thinking about something. I have so many ideas swimming around in my pour little head. It's amazing I can focus on one of them for any length of time. At night I lay in bed thinking about how to go about achieving each and ever desire (I say that instead of goal because most of them are, well...related to money). Then in the morning I start planning out the day.

I think for most people persistence is a virtue. But for me I think it is more of a vice. It is the absence of patience in my case. I have all these things I want and I have to find a way to get them now. I think that if I were ever in a survival situation I would definitely be OK!

So here is a peek at my mind on fire...
* A Japanese garden
I have always loved Japanese gardens. I love that peaceful feeling you have while walking through such gardens. We have the perfect spot right outside our master bedroom for a beautiful private garden. So along those lines I have been collecting plants. You should see my plans. I have spent hours on the Internet reading about plants, their growth potential (space is limited), their attractiveness in each season, light requirements and lots of other little facts. I have plotted out a designs, placed my wish list of plants and have started collecting the big ones. So far I have two Japanese maples and a large Rhodie. Next and last large plant on the list - a single trunk royal magnolia. We have done tons of research on putting in a koi pond too. I am so excited for this project. I think it is the house related project I want done the most. Here is a story board of the plants I have chosen.

* Photography Business
I lose sleep over this one. Not because I want it to happen so badly. I do, but mostly I am so stinking nervous about it. I am starting my own personal studio AND going into business with two friends to do school portraits. I am reading every book I can get my hands on. Hours of my day are spent pouring over blogs, websites and tutorials on the Internet. My collection of props continues to expand. I have a story board created for how I want to put my studio together furnishing wise. But instead of buying one piece of the puzzle at a time - over time. I want to buy it all NOW! I want it to be done. I want to start practicing with the lighting setup I have wish listed. I am still so stuck on a name for my studio to be. So all day long I roll names around in my head. All day long...
There are so many other things. Remodeling the kitchen, putting in some grass for a yard, creating a kids play area on the property and so much more. Dave had me make a list the other day so I could focus better. In five minutes I had two whole columns on a sheet of paper.

I can't remember a time in my life where I have ever had the "I Wants" so bad!


Stephanie Saunders said...

Girl, we sound EXACTLY alike. I don't want to start saving and buy stuff piece by piece. I want it NOW, so I don't lose the vision that I have.

Anonymous said...

Remember, we are not to run faster than we have the strength for. It will come, a little at a time.

Andrea said...

That reminds me of me. I go to bed every night and my mind plans and visualizes all my projects and all that i want to get accomplished. The self-doubt part reminds me of me as well. AAAAAHHHH!