Monday, June 9, 2008

Flicker Quiz

My Best Friend from high school just posted her own Flicker quiz on her blog and I thought it was such a fun idea. You type the answer to each question into the flicker search bar and choose a picture from the first page to represent your answer. Lots of fun!

1. What is your name?


2. What is your favorite food?

Chocolate in any form!

3. What school did you go to?

The University of Arizona

4. What is your favorite color?


5. Who is your celebrity crush?

Brad Pitt

6. what is your favorite drink?

Milk...thank you cows!

7. what is your dream vacation?

Being with Dave on a beautiful almost deserted island (food service people are the only others invited) with lagoons, waterfalls, sandy beaches, tropical fish, hikeable forests and ridges and no other tourists!

8. What do yo want to be when you grow up?

Happily married with good health enjoying the natural world somewhere reminiscing on a good life and counting our blessings about how well our kids are doing

9. What is your favorite dessert?


10. What do you love most in life?

Being with my family and having a good time together

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I notice that chocolate was well represented :)