Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Gift Of Friendship And Sore Ankles

Grandma Dewitt decided upon a fun theme this year for Christmas.  She wanted to give all of us a fun experiences to enjoy during 2013.  She kept her eye on the Groupon site until she found perfect "adventures" for each of the kids.  Emily got to use her's first.

Emma got to take 3 friends roller skating with her.  She picked three friends from school that she really bonded with this summer at girl's camp.  Jessie has been a friend since 4rth grade, Rachel moved into our ward this summer and she and Emily were immediate friends and Fawnee became a friend this year at camp when all four girls dormed together.

Rachel, Jessie, Emily and Fawnee

The girls had a blast.  I can not belive that they skated for 5 hours!!!  There was a lot of this:
And this:
And a little bit of this:
The girls are all really into music and so they spent a few quarters at the desk requesting songs and then eagerly awaiting for them to be played;-)
I am so glad that Emily has such wonderful young ladies to grow up with!  They were sure sore after 5 hours in skates.  Poor Emily still has bruises on her ankles.  There was a fair amount of falling going on too;-)

I sat there, listening to 80's music, watching my daughter enjoy good company and an excellent gift and prepared for my taxes.  I know life is not fair.  Oh to be a kid again....


Anonymous said...

So glad she and her good friends had fun, and so fun to see new things on the blog, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Grandma had fun thinking of fun things to do. I'm glad that Emily enjoyed herself. Now, onto the others!