Friday, March 6, 2009

I Spy

Katie's cousin Carina loves doing I Spy games in her dollhouse. She posted this picture on her family blog a few days ago with things for us to find. We have all had lots of fun playing her game. She inspired us to make one of our own.

Here is Carina's Game
Find the following : race car, puppy, shower brush, one die(not two or it would be dice), ribbon spool, tiny magazine, fish tank, bear rattle, peeking horse, cup with an umbrella, horse's tail, and a baby.

Our Game (our dollhouse doesn't lend itself to the game as well)
Find the following: a giraffe, gem, frog, pink bead, cake, ice cream cone, pasta, pony, purple heart, kitty, bunny, pink teddy bear, shovel and pail, unicorn, a giant pepperoni, a pair of slippers, brush, toy car, bone, squirrel, and a purple crayon!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Jenny we are having a hard time cuz we can't enlarge the photos. Any way to do that? WE have found some objects though. Thanks for the I Spy Kate! It's so fun!