Friday, July 9, 2010

La Push

Our first Washington camping trip of the summer. It was last minute and so we were really limited by available sites. Emily was really excited that Kaitlyn and Judy would be joining us. It had been a whole year since we had camped together. La Push was literally the only place available. So even though we have been up in this area several times we found ourselves headed back.

This was our day at the beach. Nothing holds back a child. Not even freezing could water on an overcast day. I knew they wouldn't be able to resist getting their feet wet. I totally didn't see Kate getting almost all the way in. How come children can't feel the cold. I was freezing in my clothes with a jacket.

I really enjoyed watching Sara and Kate spinning. We have a handicapped sister in our ward. She says the thing she looks forward to the most in Heaven is getting to spin. There is something magical about spinning.

There were lots of little treasure on the beach. Even a waterfall. We sat and watched the kids play and then walked along the surf until the sun set. It was a really wonderful evening. I think we were all reluctant to leave because what we thought would be a really short hike in seemed really long. I knew it was going to seem even longer on the way out. But we had to get back.


The Seaquist Family said...

There are so many places that were on my list to visit before we left WA that got left on the list! I must move back one day.

Anonymous said...

They totally look like they are having fun.

Anonymous said...

What a fun day!!! Probably warmer than the water I will be in for Christmas!!!