Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Escapee and Hunter

We woke up to find Gobbles the hamster, let me rephrase that, we woke to 'not' find Gobbles the hamster. The night before he was MIA too. After a quick search of Chase's room we found him hiding behind the closet door. One of the little windows in his cage was removed and he had done q pretty impressive pull-up to let himself out. Of course we blamed the girls. Most of the time they get the blame for anything mischievous that happens around the house. They both went to bed emphatic about their innocence. Kate was very vocal about being falsely accused. maybe it was because she could sense we all thought it was her doing. Or maybe the stress of being blamed for Gobbles near death experience was too much. You see, we have let the kids know that in no uncertain terms Gobbles will die if they let him run free. (at the hands, or I should say mouth of Zeke)

So when we woke up to an empty cage again, we knew we had made the girls the scapegoat for one very crafty and acrobatic rodent.

He had been out for who knows how long. Fortunately Zeke goes to bed with us so we weren't too worried Gobbles had met an untimely end yet. Unfortunately there is only so long you can lock up your dog in a bathroom while you wait to find your hamster. After a long morning of searching Dave and I finally came to the conclusion that we would have to let Zeke out and just hope for the best. Not a very hopeful conclusion for our hamster mind you.

Well Zeke hadn't been free for more than a few minutes before he not only found the hamster but had poor Gobbles cornered under our dryer. We thanked Zeke, gave him hero hunter status (the perks of such a honored position are lots of pats, praise and more importantly treats), put him away and rescued Gobbles .

His little access window is now glued shut. No more unsupervised adventures for him!


The Seaquist Family said...

There never is a dull moment at your house is there? Oh, I do that all the time to the boys. They are always being accussed of things...only occasionally am I wrong. But on those occasions, I feel so guilty.

Nicole said...

Jessie could have easily told you that it wasn't Emily's fault. She could never do anything wrong...

Anonymous said...

Lucky Gobbles! he could have been toast...or lunch for that matter.

Daniel T said...

First of all, we're so happy to hear you'll likely be down here (although we know that's bitter sweet). Secondly, since when do hamsters have an "access window."