Reasons to be excited for Kate-
-she will have a really good teacher this year
-her class is the smallest class which means more teacher attention
-her teacher loves to sing and so does Kate
-Mrs. Laramie works with a very defined schedule which Kate will appreciate
-I am excited for Kate to become a better reader
-I can't wait to see the stories she writes in her journal
-I am looking forward to helping in her classroom
Things that I worry about-
-I worry about Kate being to much of a perfectionist and getting frustrated when she doesn't have the time she wants to complete a task
-I worry about her making friends
-I worry that she is too quiet
-I worry that a full day will overwhelm her

Reasons to be excited for Emily-
-Emily made such wonderful progress last year I am excited to see her continue
-She doesn't hate school anymore
-her teacher seems to be really on the ball and a serious educator
-I am really looking forward to reading more stories from Emily, she could be a famous writer someday her stuff is so fun to read
-two of her friends from last year will be with her in her new class
Things that I worry about-
-I worry that she will get discouraged with learning again when math gets harder
-I worry that making friends will go as slowly as it did last year
-I worry that kids will make fun of her for being a goof ball, or that kids will really love that and encourage her to be more of a class clown
-I worry that we will have major homework battles

Reasons to be excited for Chase-
-Chase will be starting at his very own school...no sisters
-he will have really awesome teachers strained to stimulate fast learning minds like his
-he won't be bored to death in class anymore now that he is grouped with a bunch of other smarty pants kids like him
-Chase will have lots of opportunities at his new school to really excel
-he will get to start school sports
Things that I worry about-
-I really worry about the influences of the older kids
-I worry that his new work load and schedule will overwhelm him
-I worry he will have a hard time making friends and finding good kids to hang out with at lunch
-I worry that the homework load will be too much
-I worry that kids will make fun of his messy hair (because he still doesn't do anything with it)
-I worry he will be the smallest kid (Wilcox kids are late bloomers!)